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Hydro Detox Energizing Treatment

Revive & Rejuvenate Detox Treatment

In our modern world, environmental stressors can leave your skin feeling dull and fatigued. The need for detoxification is undeniable to breathe new life into skin that’s been exposed to pollution and other external aggressors. Our Detoxifying Treatment harnesses the power of White Clay and Pure Vital Clay to revitalize and detoxify your skin, effectively purging it of impurities and environmental toxins.

The result? A radiant, shielded complexion that’s better protected from external harm.

Main Benefits

  • Purifies, oxygenates and detoxifies the skin
  • Neutralizes the effects of free radicals caused by pollution and environmental factors
  • Energizes the skin to improve luminosity

Revive your skin’s natural radiance with our Detox Treatment, designed to combat the effects of today’s challenging environment, and reveal a healthier, more vibrant you.

Skin aesthetics can only be entrusted to professionals, Sedalicious beauty salon’s expert staff offers a professional skincare routine with organic and high-quality care materials at maximum hygiene standards.